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Results: 1302

What is God's Word?

Can someone give me a summary? Ps 33:4; Jn 17:17 2Sa 22:31 ppp Ps 18:30; Pr 30:5 1Kings 8:56; III Kings 10:10 Ps 103:20 Ps 119:89,152; Isa 40:8; 1Pet. 1:25...

1 Vote January 21 2020 4 Answers

Who is the woman mentioned in Revelation 12:1?

Revelation 12:1

1 Vote December 10 2020 3 Answers

What does the Bible say about the universality of sin?

1 John 1:8 8If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 1 John 1:10 10If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to...

March 20 2019 1 Answer

What does Daniel 12:1 reveal about the time of the end?

What does Daniel 12:1 reveal about the time of the end?

1 Vote December 04 2022 1 Answer

Why is a poem about romance and sex in the Bible? (Song of Solomon 1:2)

Song of Solomon 1-4 English Standard Version (ESV) 1 The Song of Songs, which is Solomon's. The Bride Confesses Her Love She[a] 2 Let him kiss me with the...

May 04 2019 3 Answers

Are we saved through grace alone or are we saved through grace and baptism?

Titus 3:5

Some groups and individuals hold that one cannot be saved unless he is baptized in the name of Jesus. They usually show the following verses for their...

4 Votes October 31 2013 8 Answers

Was Jonah’s message of doom untrue? (Jonah 3:4)

Jonah 3:4

4 Jonah began by going a day’s journey into the city, proclaiming, “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown.” Jonah 3:4, NIV

October 03 2019 2 Answers

Are there really demons that rule over nations? (Daniel 9-10; Job 1-2; Daniel 12:1)

April 03 2022 4 Answers

In light of Gal 3:12, is paying a tithe of 10 percent obeying the law or of faith?

Galatians 3:12

Gal. 3:12: But the law is not of faith, rather, "The one who does them shall live by them."

July 05 2017 2 Answers

How is Christ the "atoning sacrifice"? (1 John 4:10)

January 07 2023 1 Answer

Who is "them" in 1 John 4:4 that the children have overcome?

1 John 4:4

1 Vote July 29 2019 2 Answers

Who are the two types of builders talked about in 1 Corinthians 3:12-15?

12 If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, 13 their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day...

1 Vote June 12 2014

Why and how is " a threefold cord is not quickly broken"?

Ecclesiastes 4:1 - 16

This is according to Ecclesiastes 4:12.

October 07 2022 1 Answer

What does it mean "Each has been given a measure of faith" in Romans 12:3?

Romans 12:3

3 Votes March 10 2015 2 Answers

Are the 'angels' of the churches in Revelation 1-3 real angels, or are they human messengers?

1 Vote July 01 2013 3 Answers

Who is the promised messenger of Malachi 3:1?

Malachi 3:1

3 Votes July 01 2013 2 Answers

Why God did get angry against Moses?

Exodus 4:12

1 Vote October 01 2021 4 Answers

How was wisdom given to Solomon? (2 Chronicles 1:12) or, How did Solomon become so wise--instantly or with tutors? (1 Kings 4:29-34)

How was wisdom given to Solomon? (2 Chronicles 1:12) or, How did Solomon become so wise--instantly or with tutors? (1 Kings 4:29-34) 2 Chronicles 1:12...

November 01 2018 1 Answer

Who was the Joshua in Zechariah 3:1-10?

Zechariah 3:1 - 10

July 01 2013 6 Answers

Who wrote 1 John, 2 John, and 3 John?

0 Votes April 15 2018

Why did Shallum's daughters help with the building (Nehemiah 3:12)?

Nehemiah 3:12

Why did Shallum's daughters help with the building (Nehemiah 3:12)? 12 Next to him Shallum the son of Hallohesh, ruler of half the district of Jerusalem,...

November 21 2018 2 Answers

Who was Herod? (Acts 12:1)

Acts 12:1 - 5

"About that time King Herod Agrippa began to persecute some believers in the church" (Acts 12:1).

December 19 2020 2 Answers

Why look for a virgin to warm the king? (1 Kings 1:2)

Why look for a virgin to warm the king? (1 Kings 1:2) 1 Now King David was old, advanced in age; and they covered him with clothes, but he could not keep...

1 Vote September 01 2018 3 Answers

Why did the Israelites refuse to sing about Zion? (Psalm 137:4)

Psalms 137:1 - 4

Psalm 137 New International Version (NIV) Psalm 137 1 By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion. 2 There on the poplars we hung our...

March 09 2019 2 Answers

Does 1 Thess.1:3 define faith as a work?

1 Thessalonians 1:3

November 18 2023 1 Answer

Why does Genesis 10:5 say "they had their own language", when 11:1 says they all shared one language?

Genesis 11:1

Genesis 10:2 The sons of Japheth: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech, and Tiras. 3 The sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, Riphath, and Togarmah. 4 The sons of...

1 Vote November 08 2013 2 Answers

Why would Moses, the writer of Numbers, brag about his humility? (12:3)

3 "(Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on earth.)" Numbers 12:3 GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)

1 Vote December 15 2018 1 Answer

Can a person still be a Christian and yet deny certain biblical truths?

I know Christians who accept Christ as saviour yet: 1. Don’t believe in the incarnation 2. Believe in evolution as God-directed 3. Don’t believe the Bible is...

December 29 2023 4 Answers

What are the differences between Malachi 3:1 and Mark 1:2?

Mark 1:2

2 Votes July 06 2013 2 Answers

Why was the temple decorated so ornately (2 Chronicles 3:1-5:1)?

June 09 2019 1 Answer

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